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Showing posts from November, 2016

My Pure Motives

As I've been studying the book of Luke for the past week, I feel like I've gotten to know the apostle Peter a bit better... especially in the last days he spent with Jesus before the Lord is arrested and crucified. There are so many stories of Peter in the gospels displaying extraordinary faith (think following Christ out to walk on the water), and his great commitment to following Christ anywhere and everywhere (he is in pretty much every story where Jesus goes with only a few followers). So it actually makes sense, in our humanity, that Peter has started thinking pretty highly of himself and his placement within the 12 closest followers of Jesus. During the Last Supper, an argument arises about who is thought of as "the greatest". Jesus has JUST finished telling them that one of them would betray Him to death, and that His body and blood would be broken and shed for THEM. With a deaf ear to what the Lord was actually telling them, they immediately begin question...