How to lose 15 pounds in January without even hitting the gym! Reorganizing your life, and the containers you MUST HAVE! How to be a better you in 2016..... The list goes on and on and we are absolutely inundated with it. And you know what?! I tend to just nod in agreement and say, "Yes. I DO need a different body in 2016." Or "Yes. I DO need to reorganize my house." Or "Yes! I'm not good enough yet for 2016." I was at a New Year's Eve party last night and I was feeling a little defeated. I hadn't yet purchased that gym membership (we laugh at those people who have to buy gym memberships as soon as January hits... but I'm being totally serious here)... I left my kitchen a complete disaster in order to make a perfect appetizer to share with our friends... pots everywhere, dishes piling high in the sink... Crafts all over the kitchen table... toys all over the living room floor... And when I arrived at that party and slid through the do...
Just another mommy blog. Here you will find my meanderings of life lived through the lens of scripture. "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known." 1 Corinthians 13:12