Ellie is at a stage where she'd prefer to do everything herself. She wants to be able to brush her teeth. She wants to be able to eat yogurt with a spoon by herself. She'd prefer to be allowed to stay up until she wants to go to bed, which is always much much later than when she is actually tired. Tonight, I watched her as she was frustrated with all that she could not do on her own and felt like I could really relate. Two years ago, last week, we mailed Josh's immigration application in. We were told the process would take about 8 months to a year. Last week, two full years ago to the date, a decision was supposed to have been made regarding his immigration. We are sitting in anticipation of what the outcome will be. Meanwhile... I worked for a full year during Josh's immigration process, and then the Lord graciously surprised us with a baby girl in December. A month later, Josh was granted a work permit, and we felt finally free and able to get back on our own...
Just another mommy blog. Here you will find my meanderings of life lived through the lens of scripture. "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known." 1 Corinthians 13:12