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Showing posts from February, 2011

Ellie Bean Update

Ellie had what we thought were a couple of seizures yesterday afternoon. They scared her and us, so we headed to the hospital where she had one more "episode". Anyhow, the ER doctor told us that it sounded like a perfect description of seizures, and sent the pediatrician on duty to talk to us. The pediatrician said that only one of the three episode sounded like a possible seizure, so he ordered us to stay 48 hours for observation, and an EEG. I'm not really sure how I feel about their differences in opinion... but I am grateful that tests are getting done. Nothing happened after we were admitted, except a lot of terrible sleep. They weren't going to let Josh stay with me, but they did in the end, as he asked if he could sleep in the rocking chair. I was so grateful that he was here. I was really a nervous wreck, and was not looking forward to finding out what I would be like when he left. This morning she had her EEG. She did great. They p...