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Showing posts from January, 2010

Labor Toil Seek Work Expend Doing Making Paying Carry Give Raise Weary

Oh how weary are the days that we labor on this earth. While we are young we labor over school work, we toil with our friendships, we fight through the questions about who we are and who we want to be and why we are here, we seek to fall in love and find that lasting love that will last a lifetime. When we get a little older we work to find the perfect job, and then we expend all our energy to bring home a paycheck. Perhaps we get married and then we have to figure out what life looks like as a wife, doing housework, making dinner, paying bills, perhaps still working in a career. Afterwords, we may find ourselves being blessed with the opportunity to carry children in our womb, give birth, and raise little minds and souls in the fear and admonition of the Lord. I don't know about the latter part (the making babies and raising them part) but I do know most of the rest. Its easy to get weary. Perhaps I'm just weary today because I'm trying to adjust my circadian rhythm. I...

This Weeks Dinner

So, I get to plan dinner for the next week and a half because my parents are out of town. Its back to the old days of figuring out what ingredients I have, what produce needs to be used up, what new recipes I can cook, and what old recipes I can cook. Here's the menu for the week: Saturday: Tex Mex Beef Enchiladas with black beans and rice Sunday: Dill Roasted Garlic Chicken with greens Monday: Penne with Italian Sausage and veggies with a Romaine Salad Tuesday: Chile Garlic Chicken Legs with an Asian Veggie Stir Fry Wednesday: Asian Rotisserie Chicken Salad (using left-over roast chicken) Thursday: Perogies and Cabbage Rolls (which are frozen from a previous batch of cabbage rolls) Friday: I'm working this night, so left-overs And there you have it. I'm hitting the grocery store to get the missing few ingredients.

Saturday Rituals

Edward Weston, Pepper , 1930 Last night I dreamed that I was grocery shopping at "my" Fiesta on Alabama and Dunlavy in the Montrose area of Houston, Texas. I was showing all of my female friends about how awesome Fiesta is for prices. I remember picking up a tin of cocoa powder (of course it had to have something to do with chocolate) and saying, "40 cents. Can't beat that." Before I moved to Kelowna, I had certain rituals that I did every Saturday. Saturdays were my favorite days because, well, I worked Monday through Friday nine to six every day, and Josh didn't have Saturdays off. Saturday was mine. Saturdays belonged to me and I loved them. So I would wake up around nine or ten in the morning, head straight to the coffee brewer, where I would make 6 cups of coffee all for myself. Of course, they've always called me the coffee snob, so this coffee was something dark-deep-heavenly like Sumatra (from Starbucks) or Rowanda (from Taft Street Coffee). On ...

My Heart Healing Adventure

... How shall I begin filling you in on the goings on in our life? I went for my ablation procedure last Wednesday in Victoria, British Columbia. It was a grueling few days-well lets just say few weeks-- leading up to the procedure. It was the tightchest-can'tbreathe-can'tthinkofanythinggood-fearscented kind of stressed out. So while I was so... occupied... I let my mind drift into some silly reading material. Yes. Ashamedly. I did read them. All of them.... The Twilight Saga I allowed myself to be that girl I once was long long ago. You know... the fifteen-year-old girl who can't think of anything besides a good romantic story full of intrigue and excitement. So for a week and a half I read all 2381 pages of fanciful fiction. It was a good mind break. And I thoroughly enjoyed it. However, I must make an aside comment: I did take note that I would not allow an impressionable-young-teenage-girl read the books if I had one. Bella is not a good role model for a young lady. Bu...